October 20, 2007

Grateful for the little things...

I took some time today and reflected on all that I have to be thankful for. So many things of course....but I noticed it's the little things that always mean the most. I am thankful to everyone who has supported us on our journey -- all the emails, notes, and acts of kindness have meant so much to us. Our journey wouldn't be complete without our family and friends.

I am also particularly endebted to my husband. I am fortunate to have a partner in life who shares so many of the same beliefs and values....and who has joined me in this journey every step of the way. I give him so much credit because I know how big of a pain in the *$% I have been throughout this process- and he always puts up with me. I would not want to be walking these miles without him. :-)

I'm thankful for the little things too. A walk tonight with my neighbor in the brisk autumn dusk with my dog on his 3rd birthday. Last night when I was talking with Maria- she mentioned that Nathan only liked to play with the toys that make noises, and that he would simply ignore the other ones. It made me laugh- and it made me happy....that he can choose what he likes. All of this got me thinking back to when I used to hear people say it's the simple things in life that make you happy. I'm not sure I really grasped it then....but I'm thankful I do now.


Anonymous said...

What a sweet post. It is amazing how much we truly have to be thankful for once we stop and think about it.

Steph said...

I have also been reflecting on these things. This process really helps put life in perspective.

Lynda said...

Everytime I read your blog, you make me smile and cry. I couldn't have said those things better, you have no idea how right you are )about the little things that make you happy) Hearing my son christopher's laugh is what does it for me.
talk to you soon

Anonymous said...

I can remember how Nathan smiled when holding and playing with his toys- especially the noisy ones. His beautiful smile is so embracing.