March 25, 2008

Easter Pics

Here are some more pictures from Easter. We just spent the day playing and relaxing and went out to dinner. Nathaniel posed for some pics for me in his cute Easter outfit:

Here's the little guys Easter basket and a pic of the 2 of us before Easter dinner:

No...he isn't really going to eat the peeps and the chocolate...but he's gotta have a taste of them! ;-)


Lynda said...

How did you get him to pose so well? Bribary with the peeps? He is too cute! Hope you all had a great first Easter

Unknown said...

How cute!!! Hope you all had a great easter! Very handsome little man!

Beth said...

He is just so sweet! Great pics. Emily, you just look so happy to be home and making these happy memories with your family.

Bobbi said...

Mom can finish what he doesn't!!

I don't like Peeps, yet I eat them!

Greta Jo said...

How sweet.